Truchet Towers
May 1st, 2022
Truchet Towers is an artwork capable of being drawn with a pen plotter machine and was minted as an NFT on the fx(hash) platform in May 2022. After the enthusiastic response of Layered Landscapes, I was eager to share more of the generative plotter art I had been developing since 2019.
I kept the same postcard-sized format I used in Layered Landscapes, but I wanted to improve how it appeared on screen. I scaled the plottable area to fill the browser and added an earth-toned background to bring warmth and complement the landscape theme.
For this second NFT, I wanted to use a well-known algorithm as an homage and springboard for creating landscape imagery. I selected the concept of Truchet tiling and it forms the basis for the layout of the landscape. This method uses rotationally symmetrical tiles arranged randomly on a grid to create intricate patterns. This concept, widely explored in generative art, is documented in the book 10 PRINT.
At the time of this piece's creation, I was experimenting with 3D transformations and shadow projections. I introduced a rule where a tower would rise from any grid location that formed a circle. As I generated different versions, I noticed long, winding paths weaving throughout the landscape. To highlight these features, I removed the central line of the longest generated pathway, turning it into a meandering river. Each mint features different shadow projections to represent various times of day, and the perspective of the landscape shifts slightly with each iteration to create further variety.
For this release, I experimented with a Dutch Auction—where the price starts high and decreases over time. I also introduced a reserve list, giving previous collectors the first chance to mint a new token. The auction started at 10 Tezos (around $20 USD), dropped to 7.5 Tezos after one hour, and settled at 5 Tezos after two hours.
I was still learning how to navigate the NFT market and price my work. The initial response was positive, with many mints during the opening hours, but interest slowed shortly after. After 24 hours, several dozen tokens remained unminted, though the final edition was claimed within three weeks.
The release of Truchet Towers was discussed on Episode 18 of the Waiting To Be Signed podcast. The hosts pointed out something I hadn’t fully realized at the time: a significant portion of the NFT market is focused on flipping tokens — minting NFTs with the intention of reselling them, sometimes immediately, for a profit. I initially approached the NFT space as a digital store, not fully aware of the complex dynamics of the collector economy. Factors like reserve lists, edition size, variety, and rarity all influence a piece’s perceived value. I learned a lot about these factors with this second mint.
Ultimately my goal was to share more of my plotter work with an engaged audience and in that regard I think Truchet Towers was a success. During this period the #plottertwitter and fxhash community on Twitter (now X) was very active and I enjoyed those interactions as a part of this project.
Editions of Truchet Towers are available to view and purchase on the fx(hash) Marketplace.
Dimensions: 6.00" x 4.00"